Coaches 2023-2024

23-24 Coaches


First Last
Luke Allenson
Steve Belter
Steven Brooks
John Brymer
John Burton
Scott Christensen
Brady Chuckel
Ryan Chuckel
Joshua Finke
Anthony Foss
Ryan Freeland
Chad Gilbertson
Steve Gurchinoff
Jeremy Halvorson
Jason Henry
Aaron Hurd
Dan Kaho
Brandon Kelly
scott maier
Scott Matusin
Jamie McKnight
Steven Michels
Dan Moore
Shawn Mortensen
Hannah Moths
Jeffrey Niedziela
Ryan Paterson
Andrew Patten
Michael Payne
Adam Pfeiffer
Dave Pond
Andy Potasek
Kevin Reck
Chris Roeloffs
Jon Roepke
Cory Rupprecht
Sheila Schneider
Jeff Schoenmann
James Schumacher
Jerrod Showers
Matt Sisco
Brendan Stimpson
Emma Tate
Josh Tillman
Brian VanSaun
Kylie Waller (Gullett)
Matt Wallis
David Whitley
Mariel Whitley
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